Information on Dutch Quarter area on the island of St Maarten / St Martin


Dutch Quarter is one of St. Maarten’s / Dutch side larger residential districts. Along the main road, one can see one of the oldest plantation houses of the island. Several areas on French and Dutch quarter have added Quarter (district) to their given names. On the Dutch side is Prince’s Quarter nowadays divided in Lower Prince’s Quarter and Upper Prince’s Quarter. It was named after Dutch Prince Willem Hendrik who visited Sint Maarten in 1835.

A famous Dutch Quarter Resident was Alec The Butcher, of whom a statue can still be found at a roundabout. 


Where To Find Dutch Quarter


Dutch Quarter can be found in between French Quarter and Philipsburg, on the road from the Dutch side capital towards amongst others Orient Bay.


See our overview of St. Maarten taxi rates what pricing is in place from Dutch Quarter to your place of departure. 


Map of Dutch Quarter


Find the Dutch Quarter area on the map below!



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