A few weeks ago, we asked what’s your travel favorite with Winair? We have chosen the most inspiring entry wins two round-trip tickets* out of the many entries. Thank you all for your wonderful stories, it was a difficult decision but the winner is ….


Lishelin Hariquez. This is her love story with Sint Maarten, literary!

“Sint Maarten holds a special place in my heart because it’s the place where I met my first love. The memories I created there, the emotions I felt, and the significance of that relationship have likely left a lasting impression, making it a cherished and meaningful location in my life.


When I arrive in Sint Maarten, the very first thing I do is head straight to Maho Beach. Watching the planes fly overhead as they come in for a landing is an exhilarating experience and a must-see landmark for me. It’s a unique and thrilling way to kick off my visit to this beautiful island.”


Congratulation Lishelin, we hope you get to create many more beautiful memories on St. Maarten soon!




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