November 26, 2024
Coexistence between the northern and southern side of St. Maarten / St. Martin has overall been cordial for over 350 years. With that, its its tradition of open borders, preceded alliances like the European Union for a long time. But
November 21, 2024
Did you ever wonder why Philipsburg was called this way? It was named after John Philips, a Scottish commander in Dutch West India Company service. His story was a controversial one in St. Maarten history, even resulting in the St.
November 19, 2024
A New York – Brazil Halfway Station With an autonomous country status since 2010 and English having been the island language for centuries, Dutch spoken only by few, St. Maarten can be considered the least “Dutch” island within the
November 16, 2024
Former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands spent her second day of her official visit in St Maarten focusing on environmental awareness. She started her day at the Great Salt Pond Birding Platform where she praised efforts to encourage birdwatching
November 14, 2024
(Picture: The Taking of St. Maarten by the Spanish in 1633, Naval Museum Madrid under Creative Commons) Rivaling Superpowers and “San Martin” Most people know St. Maarten / St. Martin is divided in a southern “Dutch” side and