When departing the main road from Baie Rouge to Marigot on its north side close to said beach, you find the “Trou de David” or “David’s Hole”.
This geological highlight is one of the most surprising nature sites on island. You need to climb a small hill of what seemingly is a cliff – but pay attention, because it is not. A collapsed cave makes for an impressive sinkhole, dozens of meters wide and ten meters deep. Two small natural bridges allow the sea to still roll into the former cave.
The name is based on a misunderstanding. The seemingly bubbling and gurgling waters in the sinkhole originally gave it the nickname “Devil’s Hole” or “Trou de Diable” for centuries. Due to a translation error by French bureaucrats at the end of the 20th century, “Devil” was misinterpreted as “David”. It carries this name on many maps since.
Please treat this fragile natural wonder with reverence, and pay attention not to slip into the deep. The area is also a great spot to snorkel.
Buses do not arrive nearby, but taxis know where to go. Specialized tours like Twin Island Excursions and Seagrape are also happy to adjust routes to see this marvel.