Due to their popularity amongst stayover and cruise visitors, St Maarten and St Martin have a large amount of taxis available to bring you to your desired location on island. St Maarten Taxis come in a wide variety, from those serving small to large groups and those specifically equipped for disabled persons.
During the day, high concentrations of taxis can be found at the main island gateways of Port St Maarten and Princess Juliana International Airport. Though both locations are on Dutch side St. Maarten, these taxis can also take you to the French side. Taxis can also be found at the landmark Courthouse in Philipsburg and at every major resort. See below a list of taxi contacts should you need one. St. Maarten has no Uber or Lyft services, but an SXM Taxi App and central taxi association numbers.
In 2024, St. Maarten apps have been developed to easily find taxis as swiftly as possible, also at night.
The SXM Taxi app has over 200 taxis in its system. The app can be downloaded below for android and mac systems.
Whether traveling to the airport, exploring the island’s picturesque beaches, or heading to popular destinations like Philipsburg or Simpson Bay, SXM Taxi offers a dependable solution for navigating Sint Maarten.
Should these not work, see below some contact numbers of St. Maarten taxi associations:
Airport Taxi Association +1-721-542-1681
St. Maarten Taxi Association +1-721-543-7815
St. Maarten has a national taxi rates system enacted by law. It was updated most recently in 2022. Prices come in these categories:
1. When you travel alone or together with two persons in total
2. Additional prices per person when you travel with three, four or five persons
3. Additional prices per person when you travel with six or more people
In the evening after 10pm, ride fares are 25% higher. After midnight, a double fare applies until 5am. If you have more than one piece of luggage per person, the driver can charge an additional $5.
Some key taxi rates that apply to popular visitor routes for 1-2 persons (additional charge 3-5 persons / additional charge 6+ persons):
St. Maarten Cruise Port to Philipsburg / Great Bay Beach / Little Bay Beach: $10 ($5 / $5)
St. Maarten Cruise Port to Maho Beach (where airplanes fly over): $20 ($9 / $8)
St. Maarten Cruise Port to Rainforest Adventure Park: $12 ($5 / $5)
St. Maarten Cruise Port to Simpson Bay (Kim Sha Beach, Simpson Bay Beach) area: $18 ($7 / $7)
St. Maarten Cruise Port to Orient Bay Beach: $30 – $45
St. Maarten Cruise Port to Grand Case: $35 – $40
Princess Juliana International Airport to Simpson Bay Area ( Simpson Bay Resort, Hilton Grand Vacations Flamingo Beach, Hilton Grand Vacations Royal Palm, Atrium, LaVista, Commodore Suites): $15 ($7 / $7)
Princess Juliana International Airport to Philipsburg (Divi Little Bay Resort, Belair Beach Hotel, Holland House Beach Hotel): $20 ($9 / $8)
Princess Juliana International Airport to Oyster Bay Area (Oyster Bay Beach Resort, JW Marriott St. Maarten, Princess Heights): $40 ($18 / $16)
Princess Juliana International Airport to Grand Case / l’Esperance Airport: $30 – $45
*The outward or return journey to the destination may differ in price
*The outward or return journey to the destination may differ in price
*The official St Maarten taxi tariff table presents different prices between these two locations. The outward or return journey to the destination may differ in price.
Sharing a cab along a route or ride sharing is also possible on St. Maarten, be it used less by visitors. This is in fact a fourth pricing category and also has a national tariff system. See this table of rates for more details and cost.
In addition to taxis, St. Maarten also has a public / private mini-van bus system.
If you are connecting to a ferry to one of the surrounding islands, see our dedicated page for inter island connections with ferries.
See on the cruise ship schedule when taxis will be in more demand on island.
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