The story of Pelikaan Brewery begins in early 2015 when a proud Frenchman and creative artist Stephen Winkel was visiting his home country for a well deserved holiday. One day he found himself in a small local brewery. While drinking a fine glass of beer he could not stop thinking about the beautiful island of Sint Maarten that he calls home and the fact that, at that time, nobody was brewing a local beer.
Around the same time back home in Argentina, the Freelance Computer Scientist Nicolas Carlini thought it was time for a change. So he packed up his computer and decided to try his luck elsewhere. Trading his home country for the friendly island of Sint Maarten.
Nico had developed a passion for home brewing beer already and as soon as he was settled in Sint Maarten he started looking for some local beer but that was to harder than expected.
Through mutual friends, the two men found out they shared the same passion and dream and decided to start brewing together. With hardly any resources and equipment available on the island the two men, now friends, used their creative minds and hands-on mentality to slowly improve their recipes and expend their home brewery. Time passed and 10-liter badges become 50-liter and 1 beer brewed became 5. Supported by friends and family the friends decided to take the next step and become professional brewers. Finally, in October of 2017, Pelikaan Brewery was officially born.
Pelikaan Brewery is brewing beers since 2017. Click here to see their beers.
Mon – Thu: 09:00am – 16:30pm
Fri: 09:00am – 23:00pm
We invite you to come visit us at our brewery, “The Pelikaan Nest”, for scheduled tours and beer tastings.
We’re delighted to invite you to our brewery for scheduled tours and tastings. We’ll show you around our nest and introduce the brewing process, some of the equipment we use and the stories behind some of our most loved beers. First a guided visit to the of the brewery, and then a sip in our tasting area. Here you’ll sample 4 fresh beers, straight from the source.
Pelikaan brewery is located in the Cole bay area.
Find Pelikaan Brewery and other Restaurants on St Maarten / St Martin on our Interactive Map!
Request Reservation Call: +1 721 550-2839
Website | Pelikaan Brewery |
Phone | +1 721 550-2839 | | |
Address | W3 Wellusburg street #7 Cole Bay, Koolbaai, Sint Maarten, Sint Maarten |